Neapolitan song - Sona
Neapolitan song
It includes the vocal work of the Golden Age from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, the background related to the different forms of Neapolitan singing, as well as the following production that adopts traditional models.
The traditional Neapolitan song is an emotional heritage with different vocal shades. Since the end of the nineteenth century it has shown lights, shadows, stories and costumes of a city born from the suffering wail of the siren Partenope.
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Trivial Sound
Kistch, trash, bagoni e tamarri sono il vero nutrimento del “trivial sound”.
DISCOVERIl Festival della Canzone Napoletana dal 1952 al 1971 e 1981
Il Festival della Canzone Napoletana, simbolo della melodia partenopea nella seconda metà del Novecento.
DISCOVERFogli Volanti e Copielle, ovvero la diffusione musicale tra mercati e vicoli
I “fogli volanti” sono rinvenibili in Europa dall’introduzione della stampa, a fine 800 arrivano le “copielle”
DISCOVERNarrative Itineraries
The origins of the Neapolitan song
The myth of the Neapolitan song also spread thanks to the circulation of illustrated leaflets, which included the lyrics of the songs. Flyers first, and Copielle later, were distributed for a fee or free to the entire population to give exposure to the music publishers of the nineteenth century.